Move Over Vitamin C: Supplement Trends for 2024

Transform with the times.  Here are our predictions for nutrient and supplement trends in 2024. 

In with the new  

Immunity boosting Vitamin C, Glutathione and Chaga mushroom extracts have seen exponential demand since 2021. But there are a few newcomers on the block that are taking the industry by storm. What are they?

 From the Sea 

Algae, in the form of Seamoss, Astaxanthin and Schizochytrium are coasting into the most desired supplements category. Harvested directly from nature, they deliver highly bioavailable and stable nutrients. Dense in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunity boosting properties—as well as having skin and beauty claims—these seaborne plants are in increasing demand.

Seamoss, Chondrus crispus is, grows in the harsh coastal regions of the Atlantic.  It forms a gel like consistency and is enriched with iodine, tyrosine, phytochemicals, probiotics, antioxidants, and Omega 3 fatty acids. 


Astaxanthin is a strongly red hued algae that is renowned for giving wild salmon their pink hue. This super algae contains up to 6000 times more antioxidants than Vitamin C! Studies show that it can reverse the signs of macular degeneration and aging, as well as prevent sunburn and impart a naturally golden skin tone to pallid complexions. It’s time for Fake tan to step out of the way!

Contact us to learn how to protect and deliver astaxanthin→

Omega 3 DHA from Schizochytrium

Schizochytrium is a microalgae replete with Omega 3 DHA that is essential for brain, heart and vision health, as well as immunity. It is in fact, one of the only bioavailable plant sources of DHA. Unlike Fish derived Omega 3 DHA, it is highly stable from heat and oxidation and tastes absolutely delicious in liposomal form—especially with out flavor magicians!

Learn more about the phenomenal benefits of Algae derived Omega 3 DHA →

From the Earth

The blackest of mushrooms, Shilajit promises to enhance male virility. Containing anti-inflammatory and immune fortifying properties, as well as enhancing cognitive function, it is known to be a health rejuvenator and a critical supplement for the male health-conscious consumer.

Formulate liposomal mushroom supplements with us→

NAD+ Precursors

Anti-aging enthusiasts and biohackers cannot get enough of NAD+ precursors for ultimate cellular protection and regeneration. Nicotinamide Riboside (NM) is quickly synthesized into NAD+ in humans and is highly efficacious in liposomal form. 

Create anti-aging supplements with us→


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We attended the Metabolic Health Summit 2024

At Virun, we stay ahead of the curve on health science. 

Our appetite to learn led us to Clearwater Beach, Florida to attend the Metabolic Health Summit (MHS).

What is ‘Metabolic Health’?

Metabolic Health encompasses all elements of our energy production, our capacity for building and breaking down tissue, the elimination of waste, cellular growth, and cellular reproduction. Metabolic Health philosophy premises on the idea that our ability to convert food into energy manifests in all areas of our health: from neurological functioning to cardiovascular health and to the commonly known metabolic diseases, such as diabetes and obesity.  The condition of our mitochondria—the powerhouses within our cells—will dictate our metabolic health, energy, the symptoms of aging, and even disease expression—and inexpression.

If our mitochondria are malfunctioning and cannot efficiently power our cells, then the cells cannot do their job. This applies to all cells in the body, from our brain cells to our pancreas cells. When our brain cell function is impaired, we are at risk of brain fog, migraines, Alzheimer’s or dementia. When our pancreatic cells malfunction, we are susceptible to diabetes.

Metabolic health is relevant to supplement brands because all vitamins, minerals and nutrients–including pre and probiotics have an impact on metabolic health. 

In Part One of this blog, we highlight key points of learning from the show. And in Part Two, we will showcase the innovative supplements leading the metabolic health space.s

Starve your body—just enough—to induce cellular autophagy, our body’s innate multi system regeneration mechanism to kill aging and mutating cells.

- Dr Valter Longo

Setting the Stage: Restoring ‘Multi System Regeneration’ through Fasting Mimicking Diets

MHS attendees excitedly await the start of 2024 MHS. Neuroscientist, Dr Dom D’Agostino leads on the stage, engaging the attention of science hungry metabolic health aficionados, researchers, authors, clinicians and invested business owners.

Dr Valter Longo kicked off MHS offering up an ancestrally inspired approach to reversing the symptoms of aging, consequently preventing the onset of age-related diseases: diabetes, cancer, heart disease.

How? Not in a pill, but in the form of a 5 day Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD) a low calorie, low carb and low protein diet, adhered to for five days, once a month, on a monthly basis—at least for three months. Dr Longo asserted that starvation offers an opportunity to kill bad cells, yet we don’t starve anymore the way our ancestors did and thus we lose our opportunity to recycle cells through autophagy and apoptosis, giving more opportunities for malignant cells, i.e. cancerous cells, to grow. This philosophy is the driver behind the popularity of intermittent fasting.  

“FMD improves longevity while cutting the risk of cancer and diabetes by half. – Dr Valter Longo

FMD naturally balances blood sugar levels, which suppresses insulin secretion (the fat storing hormone) and the growth hormone. If you can suppress the growth hormone in adulthood, your lifespan increases, and your chances of diseases diminish in accordance. Longo showed studies of mice (put on an FMD protocol) who lived 10 times longer than their non-growth hormone suppressed counterparts; furthermore, he showcased the mini women of Ecuador whom live long, disease-free lives, as genetically, they have deficient growth hormone binders.

Longo demonstrated how FMD restored participants’ mitochondrial metabolism and biogenesis, reduced fat while preserving muscle mass–even after only 3 months on the protocol. He confirmed that FMD reawakens ‘Starvation escape pathways’ for sick, dying and potentially mutant cells.

An abundance of brilliant talks, here we highlight some of the most notable: Dr Nasha Winters, author of ‘The Metabolic Cure for Cancer’, further reinforced Longo’s case for simulating ‘starvation escape pathways’ to prevent disease. Dr Nasha led an enlightening panel on reversing disease by adopting a ketogenic diet, which reduces insulin secretion, making it more difficult for cells to grow, including mutating cancer cells.

Brains are like Biceps.

Dr Tommy Wood

Metabolic Health = Mental Health

Dr Chris Palmer brought our attention to the brain and mental health. He illuminated how, throughout history and in contemporary research, mental and neurological health illnesses have almost always been accompanied by physical metabolic illnesses, such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Dr Palmer stipulated that a metabolic impairment and energy mal-metabolism translates to brain energy deficiencies, which can then manifest in mood swings, anxiety, bi-polar disorder, epilepsy, psychosis and depression.

From a different angle, Dr Tommy Wood reasoned that “Brains are like Biceps”. He cleverly likened the ‘Demand, Support, Repair’ method for bolstering cognitive function and delaying decline, that you could build the brains’ function in the same way as you would build muscles: with the right training, nutrition, and recovery time. His argument explains that without stimulating and challenging the brain to continuously learn, synapsis and neural connections atrophy, and this leads to cognitive decline.

Dr Wood is a firm believer that “Dementia and Alzheimer’s are preventable.” What do you think?

metabolic health summit virus Sara Fenn

Dr Lily Nichols delivered a fascinating talk on how “metabolic health starts in utero” and illustrated that we inherit our mitochondria from our mothers.  Dr Nichols demonstrated how a pregnant mother’s unstable blood sugar levels could increase the baby’s risk of type 2 diabetes later in life. Dr Nichols illuminated the stark correlation between Vitamin D deficiency in the mother and an increase in dental deformities in babies. Beyond this, Dr Nichols conveyed that DHA deficiencies in mother not only compromise the baby’s brain development but could even result in increased chances of pros natal depression. She asserted that algae derived DHA is one of the most reliable sources for vegetarians. Have you discovered our highly bioavailable algae derived DHA capabilities? Click here to learn more. 


Metabolic Health starts in Utero

Dr Lily Nichols

Ben Bikman, PhD studies fat cells in vitro—and across human populations—and described how difficult it is to grow fat cells—no matter how much fat or sugar you pump them with, without insulin, they will not grow. This makes it easier to comprehend why low carbohydrate diets work so well, as you need sugar to trigger insulin secretion. Moreover, Bikman illustrated how Caucasian and Asian fat cells in humans) have completely different growth capabilities. Caucasian fat cells grow and multiply more efficiently than their Asian counterparts. Asian fat cells become insulin sensitive more rapidly which predisposes them to diabetes, despite being less obese than westerners. 

This clarifies why diabetes is so prevalent within asian populations, even though they aren’t as fat as Americans! 

The low carb and keto trend is here to stay! Let us know if you have learned anything new in the comments section below. 👇🏼 

Check out Part Two to discover the latest supplement innovations supporting metabolic health. 

Anti-Fragile Nutrients: Liposomal Powders

What are micro encapsulated lipid powders and why use them?  

Encapsulating a nutrient, such as a vitamin or supplement, within a lipid provides enhanced protection from environmental, chemical, and physiological damage. 

Nutrients such as Omega 3 DHA, CoQ10, Astaxanthin, Curcumin, Glutathione, Antioxidants and Polyphenols are highly susceptible to environmental degradation; this can occur through oxidation, high temperatures, and reaction with other compounds.[I]


Lipid encapsulation stabilizes a nutrient’s volatility and bolsters its bioavailability; the nutrient becomes ‘anti-fragile’. (to a degree).


Upon ingestion, the lipid encapsulated nutrient is shielded from being destroyed through digestion and is more easily delivered to target areas of the body. Critically, liposomes’ structure resembles that of human cell membranes, and therefore, are seamlessly absorbed into the body’s cellular matrix, delivering nutrients directly into the cells. 


If liquid lipid emulsions are so effective at improving bioavailability, why go to effort of microencapsulating spray drying them? 


Spray drying is the most suitable method for the microencapsulation of polyphenols.[ii]

 What does micro-encapsulating liposomal and micelle powders entail?

The micro encapsulated spray drying process involves the following steps:

  1. Formulation: We combine the active ingredients: the core nutrient, a phospholipid containing fat (‘the wall material’), and cyclodextrin (a low glycemic carbohydrate). See figure 1.
  2. Dissolution: The formulation is dissolved in a liquid carrier.
  3. Atomization: The emulsified supplement is then pumped into a spray dryer. We use a rotary atomizer to disperse the liquid into tiny droplets, to increase the surface area exposed to warm air.
  4. Drying to evaporate the water from the emulsion. At Virun, we are careful to only use low temperatures in a vacuum chamber to avoid compromising the integrity of the liposomes.
  5. Particle Collection & Cooling: The particles are collected and gently cooled in a chamber to prevent moisture absorption and ensure stability.

Spray drying emulsifications can deliver many added benefits to the supplement, including: 


·      Increasing a formula’s stability and shelf life, especially for polyphenols and environmentally volatile nutrients.

·      Neutralizing the smell and taste so that a formula’s flavor remains intact, ideal for creating the flavors you desire, or creating unflavored, unsweetened supplements for customers who want no additives. 

·      Standardizing the mouthfeel and consistency across nutrients.

·      The phospholipids which constitute the ‘wall material’ increase the absorption of the nutrients, improving overall bioavailability and efficacy.

·      The polysaccharide cyclodextrin—which we use at Virun—is proven to increase nutrient absorption and further stabilize nutrients’ smell and taste while consolidating shelf life and bioavailability.

·      Spray dried lipid powder nutrients allow for more innovative formulas as they can be combined with other powdered nutrients that do not need to be lipid encapsulated, so that you can create a formula which includes both fast release and slower release nutrients. For example, you could blend lipid encapsulated DHA Omega 3 powder with a non-encapsulated collagen powder or protein powder. 

micro encapsulation process liposomal powders

Why do we use Cyclodextrin?

The polysaccharide cyclodextrin is a tasteless, noncaloric dietary fiber produced by enzymatic degradation of starch. We use it in powdered formulations as it increases nutrient solubility in aqueous solutions and helps to convert oils and liquid nutrients into microcrystalline powders. Furthermore, they impart other benefits such as reducing gastrointestinal irritation[iii]; they stabilize stabilizers of dietary lipids, such as unsaturated fatty acids, phytosterols, vitamins, flavonoids, carotenoids and other nutraceuticals.

Cyclodextrin has a low glycemic index (GI) and lowers the GI of foods consumed alongside it. It is renowned as an anti-obesity, anti-diabetic[iv] carbohydrate, favored by body builders for maintaining muscle mass while cutting fat.

Cyclodextrin based lipid technology has even been found to improve the  ‘therapeutic effect and sustain long life of healthy and recovered (cancer) cells.’[v] Another study (on horses) demonstrated increased skeletal muscle growth with daily supplementation of CoQ10 and cyclodextrin.[vi] 

Spray drying allows you to create a muti-nutrient blend with both fast and slow-release nutrients, compounded with phospholipids to increase absorption and protect those sensitive molecules, giving your formula multi-dimensional applications.

Which supplements need the additional microencapsulated lipid powder protection?

One study in the Journal of Morphological and Molecular Mechanisms demonstrated how micro-encapsulated spray dry powder increased the bioavailability and efficacy of Curcumin to reduce inflammation, optimize cognitive function, support cardiovascular health, and stabilize blood sugar levels amongst participants.[vii]

What to be aware of when planning a micro-encapsulated spray dry powder, liposomal powder or micelle powder?

Many manufactures use a high heat spray drying technique. This certainly speeds up the time it takes to produce the supplement BUT high temperatures often denature and degrade nutrients, leaving you with expensive and redundant powders.

Be careful of the carbohydrates used, some spike blood sugar levels and others cause gastrointestinal distress. Maltodextrin is a commonly used culprit in spray dry powders.

Powder microencapsulation is not ideal temperature sensitive bioactive substances[viii]. Some oils are sensitive to environmental factors such as heat, oxygen, metal ions, and humidity. Thus, these oils are microencapsulated by different methods. High temperatures adversely affect the structure of phenolic compounds, causing structural breakage, resulting in the formation of different compounds, thereby reducing the antioxidant activity[ix]. This is why, at VIRUN, we use low temperatures to slowly, gently spray dry lipid encapsulations in a vacuum to further protect the nutrients.

 Why risk compromising on the efficacy of your supplement line?

Speak to us today to upgrade your formulas

Explore our patents here and discover our patented bicarbonate downstream process which allows us to naturally preserve volatile nutrients, without  compromising the efficacy. 



[i] “Encapsulation of oils improves the oxidative stability of their lipids and protects sensitive constituents (core) such as active compounds, oils, flavour compounds, and vitamins from environmental factors.” Mohammed NK, Tan CP, Manap YA, Muhialdin BJ, Hussin ASM. Spray Drying for the Encapsulation of Oils-A Review. Molecules. 2020 Aug 26;25(17):3873. doi: 10.3390/molecules25173873. PMID: 32858785; PMCID: PMC7503953.

[ii] Fang Z, Bhandari B. Comparing the efficiency of protein and maltodextrin on spray drying of bayberry juice. Food Res Int. 2012;48:478–483. doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2012.05.025. 

[iii] Diomede F, Fonticoli L, Guarnieri S, Della Rocca Y, Rajan TS, Fontana A, Trubiani O, Marconi GD, Pizzicannella J. The Effect of Liposomal Curcumin as an Anti-Inflammatory Strategy on Lipopolysaccharide e from Porphyromonas gingivalis Treated Endothelial Committed Neural Crest Derived Stem Cells: Morphological and Molecular Mechanisms. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Jul 14;22(14):7534. doi: 10.3390/ijms22147534. PMID: 34299157; PMCID: PMC8305631.

[iv] Europeean Medicine’s Ageny ‘Cyclodextrins used as excipients’

[v] Fenyvesi É, Vikmon M, Szente L. Cyclodextrins in Food Technology and Human Nutrition: Benefits and Limitations. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2016 Sep 9;56(12):1981-2004. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2013.809513. PMID: 25764389. 

[vi] ‘Cyclodextrin-based nanotechnology seems to provide better therapeutic effect and sustain long life of healthy and recovered cells’ Gidwani B, Vyas A. A Comprehensive Review on Cyclodextrin-Based Carriers for Delivery of Chemotherapeutic Cytotoxic Anticancer Drugs. Biomed Res Int. 2015;2015:198268. doi: 10.1155/2015/198268. Epub 2015 Oct 25. PMID: 26582104; PMCID: PMC4637021.

[vii] Rooney, M.F., Curley, C.E., Sweeney, J., Griffin, M.E., Porter, R.K., Hill, E.W., & Katz, L.M. (2020). Prolonged oral coenzyme Q10-β-cyclodextrin supplementation increases skeletal muscle complex I+III activity in young Thoroughbreds. Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition8(1), 11-20.

[viii] Demeng Zhang, Mengxue Zhang, Xiaoxiao Gu, 8 – Seaweed-Derived Hydrocolloids as Food Coating and Encapsulation Agents, Editor(s): Yimin Qin,Bioactive Seaweeds for Food Applications, Academic Press, 2018, Pages 153-175, ISBN 9780128133125,

[ix] Mishra A, Sharma AM, Kumar S, Saxena AK, Pandey AK (2013) Bauhinia variegata leaf extracts exhibit considerable antibacterial, antioxidant, and anticancer activities. BioMed Res Int. doi:10.1155/2013/915436 



Liposomes, Micelles, Cubosomes, Ethosomes: What are the differences?

Liposomes, Micelles, Cubosomes and Ethosomes: What are the differences between these Lipid Carriers, and which one should you use for your supplement formulations?


You will likely have heard of liposomes and liposomal supplements as they have been exploding in the supplement sphere…and on the shelves in health stores.

Yet, what do ‘liposome’ and ‘liposomal’ mean?

Furthermore, where do the other common lipid carriers micelles, cubosomes and ethosomes come in to play?

In this blog, we will discuss what liposomes, micelles, cubosomes and ethosomes are; the relationship between each of them, weigh out the pros and cons for their respective applications and ease—or difficulty—in formulating, and their delivered bioavailability.


Liposomes, micelles, cubosomes and ethosomes are lipid particles which encapsulate nutrients, vitamins, phytonutrients, etc. through emulsification for optimized oral and/or transdermal delivery and absorption. 

Liposomes, Micelles, Cubosomes, Ethosomes image what's the difference 

Lipid Nano Systems image sourced from

See our ‘Lipid Carriers Summarised’ sheet here.




Liposome literally means ‘body of fat’. They are tiny spherical containers with a liquid nutrient core and a protective phospholipid bilayer, similar in structure to human cell membranes. It is in fact liposomes’ mimicry of human cells that allows them to be so efficiently and absorbed into our bodies. 


Liposomes are amphiphilic molecules, meaning that they have both hydrophilic (‘water loving’ solubility) and hydrophobic (‘water hating’ resistance) traits. They measure between 50-500 nm in diameter particle size, although could be bigger.


Liposome structure


The external layer consists of a double lipid layer that is hydrophobic, protecting the internal nutrient from dissolving in water or being destroyed through digestion. Within the lipid bilayer is the hydrophilic tail which blends easily with water. This means that they can simultaneously protect and transport nutrients into targeted areas of the body. 


This ensures that the nutrient contained within the liposome is protected from oxidation, external damage, early absorption, and consequential destruction. Many nutrients are fat soluble and thus can only be effectively absorbed into the body if consumed alongside a fat, such as a phospholipid, otherwise the supplement simply passes through the body with little or no absorption.


liposomes, micelles, cubosomes and ethosomes in liquid supplements




Curcumin, antioxidants, vitamins A, C, D, E and K are examples of fat-soluble compounds which need to be encapsulated in a lipid (in the form of a liposome) or consumed with fat to improve bioavailability. The phospholipids also act to increase absorption of nutrients, slow down and sustain the release and distribution of nutrients so that the consumer benefits from having the nutrient in their system for longer, rather than excreting the supplement out to quickly and leading to what is anecdotally known as ‘expensive pee’!




Other environmentally sensitive compounds, such as Glutathione, Omega3 DHA, Sulforaphane, Probiotics, NAD+ (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) and SOD (Superoxide dismutase) need protection from oxidation with air, water, temperature, nitrates, preservatives, and other chemicals. The lipid bilayer within the liposome protects the sensitive inner nutrient core from reacting with the external environment. Once oxidized, some nutrients can become ineffective at best and toxic at worst. 


Glutathione is an example of a supplement that can become degraded when exposed to water.* Supplements that blend glutathione and water together likely contain degraded glutathione which can have little to no health benefit. In this instance, it is essential to use a liposomal—or cubosomal—encapsulation and delivery for compounds like glutathione.


In summary, liposomes offer nutrient stability, protection from damage and oxidation, increase a nutrient’s half-life, optimize absorption and bioavailability.


The process of encapsulating a nutrient in lipids (emulsification) to create a liposomal supplement requires specialist equipment, expertise, and patience. Therefore, true liposomal supplements are more costly than their powdered, capsuled and ethosomal counterparts. We specialize in liposmal encapsulation.


Contact us to learn more about our capabilities.




Micelles are similar to liposomes yet far smaller. They are amphiphilic molecules with a hydrophilic outer and a hydrophobic core and unlike liposomes, do not possess the double lipid concentric layer. 


Micelles’ one single lipid layer allows them to blend with water more easily.  As they have a significantly smaller surface area, they can carry fewer nutrients, yet because of their more permeable outer layer they can more readily deliver nutrients directly into the cell. In fact, our bodies break down liposomes into micelles so that we can more efficiently absorb nutrients. Micelles are ideal for nutrients which need fast absorption yet supplements that are not highly reactive to the environment. 


Micelle strcuture

Micelle encapsulations are ideal for fat soluble, environmentally stable supplements such as: curcumin, chlorella, vitamins A, C, D, E and K and assist in the absorption of certain minerals. Due to their small size, micelles are ideal for encapsulating fat soluble compounds like terpenes, CBD, etc.




Cubosomes resemble a fluid cubic constellation of liposomes. They are highly stable self-assembled liquid crystalline particles made up of water and lipids which are stabilized by a continuous membrane lattice structure and a polymer based outer sheath that holds everything within the cubosome structure together. They measure between 50-500nm in diameter particle size and are sometimes larger.


Like liposomes and micelles, cubosomes are made up of amphiphilic lipids that either resist or react with water. The cubic, multi-dimensional structure gives cubosomes a very large surface area in which they can encapsulate high quantities of nutrients.


 The multi layers of liposomes within the cubosome, with the interwoven lattice membrane and outer lipid layer all work in synergy to protect and stabilize the nutrients encapsulated within. This lends cubosomes their uniquely high stability under environmental, chemical, and physiological conditions. Simultaneously, cubosomes’ natural composition allows them to effortlessly deliver nutrients into human cells.


cubosome structure


Supplements ideal for cubosomal encapsulation include the environmentally reactive Glutathione, Omega3 DHA, Sulforaphane, Probiotics, NAD+ and SOD.


Talk to us to find out about creating your own cubosomal formulations. 

From Ethanol to Ethosomes


Ethosomes are lipid carriers consisting of phospholipids, ethanol and water. They are tiny spherical containers, very similar to liposomes with a hydrophobic core, hydrophilic tail and a lipid bilayer, yet with ethanol, water and phospholipids being their main materials. 

Ethosomes can effectively transport nutrients carried in their core to targeted areas. Ethanol concentrations in ethosomes vary from 10%-20% ethanol.**


Ethosome strcuture

10% is the commonly used lower range for ethanol concentration in Ethosome formulations. This approach aims to achieve a balance between stability, entrapment efficiency, and vesicle size, although depending on the specific nutrient and desired properties, even lower concentrations might be feasible in some cases.




 Ethosomes are more effectively used for transdermal (topical/on skin) supplements, minerals and nutrient delivery as the ethanol supports dermal penetration and transportation of therapeutic agents directly into the skin and blood stream.

liposomes, micelles, cubosomes and ethosomes what's the difference

Ethosomes are ideal for topical application, such as a targeted magnesium, zinc, quercetin, or a CBD cosmetic cream or spray. At VIRUN, we specialize in oral supplement applications of which liposomes, micelles and cubosomes are optimum. We do not use ethanol or ethosomes in our formulations. 


So, which lipid carrier is ideal for you? 


Contact us today with your supplement ideas and we will help you create the most effective (and tastiest) liposomal, micelle or cubosomal supplements.


Upgrade your formulations with us:

See our ‘Lipid Carriers Summarised’ sheet here.



Glutathione Degradation Studies:

* “Glutathione Degradation Is a Key Determinant of Glutathione Homeostasis” (2008) by Åsa Meister and Anna Björkhem-Olesen discusses the factors that influence glutathione degradation, including the presence of water. The study found that glutathione degradation rates were significantly higher in aqueous solutions compared to dry conditions.

“Study of the Oxidative Forced Degradation of Glutathione in Its Nutraceutical Formulations Using Zone Fluidics and Green Liquid Chromatography” (2019) by Ana Rita Bicho, et al., investigates the degradation of glutathione in its nutraceutical formulations, which often involve aqueous solutions. The study showed that glutathione degradation increased significantly in the presence of water and oxidizing agents.

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Study of the Oxidative Forced Degradation of Glutathione in Its Nutraceutical Formulations Using Zone Fluidics and Green Liquid Chromatography research paper

“Heme Degradation in the Presence of Glutathione” (1990) by C.A. Rossi, et al., examines the interaction between glutathione and heme, another important biological molecule. The study found that glutathione can degrade heme in aqueous solutions, with the rate of degradation depending on factors such as pH and temperature.

Ethanol Studies:

** “Development and characterization of Ethosomes for transdermal delivery of meloxicam: In vitro and in vivo evaluation” (2012) by T.R. Bhalerao, et al., investigated Ethosomes for meloxicam delivery using ethanol concentrations of 10%, 15%, and 20%. The 10% ethanol formulation showed good stability and entrapment efficiency but slightly larger vesicle size compared to higher concentrations.

“Enhancement of transdermal delivery of quercetin using Ethosomes” (2011) by N.B. Jain, et al., explored Ethosomes for quercetin with ethanol concentrations of 10%, 15%, and 20%. Again, the 10% ethanol formulation yielded stable Ethosomes with satisfactory drug loading while potentially having lower skin penetration compared to higher concentrations.

“Ethosomes loaded with carvedilol: Effect of ethanol concentration on physicochemical properties, in vitro skin permeation and in vivo antihypertensive activity” (2017) by M.T. Khan, et al., evaluated Ethosomes for carvedilol using ethanol concentrations of 10%, 20%, and 30%. The 10% ethanol formulation demonstrated sufficient stability and drug entrapment but potentially lower transdermal flux compared to higher concentrations.

“Novel Drug Delivery Systems” (2018) by S.S. Shinde and P.D. Jadhav mentions that Ethosome formulations typically employ ethanol concentrations ranging from 10% to 50%, while acknowledging lower ranges are sometimes used for specific drugs requiring higher stability or smaller vesicle size.

“Transdermal Drug Delivery: Challenges and Perspectives” (2017) by P.B. Shetta, et al., briefly discusses Ethosomes and indicates that ethanol concentrations can range from 10% to 40%, depending on the desired characteristics of the formulation.

Is Potassium Sorbate Safe? Innocent Natural Preservative or Potential Gene Mutating Carcinogen?

There’s a reason we don’t use Potassium Sorbate at Virun. 


Plenty of research points to potassium sorbate’s role in causing mutagenic and carcinogenic responses in human and animal cells. In this post we explore what Potassium Sorbate is, its prevalence and how it can become carcinogenic.  We also discuss why we choose not to use Potassium Sorbate in the supplements that we formulate at Virun. 


What is Potassium Sorbate? 


Potassium sorbate is a vinegary sodium salt. It is naturally found in very small amounts in fruits, vegetables, and plants. It is an antimicrobial compound that is chemically synthesized to be used as a potent preservative in foods for human consumption. It has been used to replace the highly controversial Sodium Benzoate as a food preservative for decades. You will find potassium sorbate in numerous fizzy drinks, fruit juices, processed and pre-packaged foods, as well as in liquid supplements.


It sounds benign enough. However, like several naturally sourced raw materials, once they have been isolated, synthesized, and blended with other ingredients they can chemically restructure and become disruptive to our heath. 

potassium sorbate nitrates carcinogen mutagenic

Is Potassium Sorbate Safe? Side Effects of Potassium Sorbate


As a standalone ingredient, potassium sorbate is known to upregulate inflammation, cause mild allergic reactions and alter the gut microbiome. A monocarboxylic compound, it is highly reactive to temperature, PH, processing, and other ingredients. In particular with nitrates and iron salts, which can lead to mutagenic (gene mutating) responses in human cells and resulting DNA damage. 


Potassium sorbate prevents the growth of mould by disrupting the cell membrane’s function, electron transport and metabolic activity.[i] This triggers an increase in Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) within the cell, destabilising the cell’s ability to communicate and correctly replicate DNA, and depletes the cells’ essential glutathione stores. Glutathione is the super antioxidant that protects our healthy cells from oxidative stress. The malfunctioning oxidized and mutated cell has insufficient glutathione stores to self-repair, yet it may still survive and replicate the damaged DNA. Mutated cells which proliferate are more likely to become carcinogenic.

Potassium Sorbate’s Reactivity with Nitrates


Nitrates are pervasive; you will find them naturally in plants and vegetables. Nitrates are added to processed foods in the form of sodium nitrate. As nitrates are heavily utilized in the agricultural and manufacturing industries, the runoff often ends up in drinking water. In the US, drinking water contains more than 3mg nitrates per litre.[ii]  


Potassium Sorbate reacts with the nitrates in water to from several species of direct-acting mutagens and genotoxic agents that present a very real potential health risk.[iii] This means that when potassium sorbate is employed as a preservative in foods or drinks that contain water, you will likely be exposed to toxic compounds and potential mutagens. 


So that fizzy drink could contain carcinogens—and without even considering the suspect aspartame sweetener and BPAs that’s probably in it too!


Studies on humans have shown how the presence of nitrates with potassium sorbate have mutagenic and genotoxic effects on blood cells, cause chromosome aberrations and DNA breakage.[iv] Research on rats have corroborated this by demonstrating the genotoxic effect of the blend on mammalian cells. Further studies have shown broad systemic and toxic effects on non-reproductive organs in animals. [v]   


Pretty shocking, right? There’s more to it: nitrates are not the only compounds that cause potassium sorbate to become harmful. Ascorbic acid, iron and gluconate can form toxic compounds when combined with potassium sorbate.[vi]

potassium sorbate ascorbic acid iron vitamins c cancer mutagenic

Potassium Sorbate’s Reactivity with Vitamin C and Iron 

The combination of potassium sorbate, ascorbic acid, and iron salts can lead to the formation of potentially mutagenic compounds called alkyl glycosides.[vii]

Separate studies in both the Journal of Food Additives and Contaminants and the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that beverages which contained potassium sorbate, iron and/or ascorbic acid which were processed under heat discovered that the alkyl glycosides produced by this combination had mutagenic activity.[viii]

Furthermore, these materials tend to create mutagenic compounds that cause DNA damage, including: “pharyngeal lesions, cell inflammation, epithelial glandular formation, vascular hyperplasia, and edematous exchange” even at low doses.[ix]

Whether unwittingly combined with nitrates (through tap water) or deliberately combined with iron salts and ascorbic acid, mutagenic compounds are inevitably generated and ingesting these is not optimal for our health. 

Putting Potassium Sorbate in the Hot Seat

Many liquid vitamin c, iron and other mineral supplements use potassium sorbate as a preservative. And most packaged and processed foods, drinks and supplements need to be heat processed (pasteurized) to prevent bacterial growth and subsequent bacterial poisoning. We now know that this is a detrimental concoction. Unfortunately, most liquid health supplements that use potassium sorbate then contain potential genotoxins and carcinogens.

Which makes them almost unavoidable—you have to learn to vigilantly read labels and come up with alternative solutions—which is exactly what we have done at Virun.

We have IP that Negates the Need for Potassium Sorbate


At Virun, we have extensive IP that allows us to make liquid supplements without potassium sorbate or preservatives which means that your supplements will not contain carcinogens. 

We have a natural and organic patented stability technology to prevent microbial, yeast and mold growth in supplements to avoid the need for toxic preservatives. In addition, to optimize flavor and remove oxidate contaminants, we use our own patented Bicarbonate Down Stream Process.

We go to great lengths to ensure that all our supplements are free from toxic ingredients, and contra-indicative blends. We steer clear from the usual culprits: such as artificial sweeteners and seed oils. We deliver innovative, scientifically rigorous solutions which optimize supplement bioavailability and enhance your customer’s health. 

[i] K Kitano, T Fukukawa, Y Ohtsuji, T Masuda, H Yamaguchi,Mutagenicity and DNA-damaging activity caused by decomposed products of potassium sorbate reacting with ascorbic acid in the presence of Fe salt, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 40 (11) 2002, Pages 1589-1594, ISSN 0278-6915


[iii] Hartman, P.E. (1983), Review: Putative mutagens and carcinogens in foods. II: Sorbate and sorbate-nitrite interactions. Environ. mutagen, 5: 217-222.

[iv] Parvin Dehghan, Ali Mohammadi, Hossein Mohammadzadeh-Aghdash, Jafar Ezzati Nazhad Dolatabadi,

Pharmacokinetic and toxicological aspects of potassium sorbate food additive and its constituents, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 80 2018, Pages 123-130, ISSN 0924-2244

[v] Parvin Dehghan, Ali Mohammadi, Hossein Mohammadzadeh-Aghdash, Jafar Ezzati Nazhad Dolatabadi,

Pharmacokinetic and toxicological aspects of potassium sorbate food additive and its constituents, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 80 2018, Pages 123-130, ISSN 0924-2244

[vi] K Kitano, T Fukukawa, Y Ohtsuji, T Masuda, H Yamaguchi,Mutagenicity and DNA-damaging activity caused by decomposed products of potassium sorbate reacting with ascorbic acid in the presence of Fe salt, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 40 (11) 2002, Pages 1589-1594, ISSN 0278-6915

[vii] Clegg, B.S., Scott, K.G., & Cote, L.M. (1998). Mutagenic activity of alkyl glycosides formed by the reaction of ascorbic acid and iron with sorbate in a model beverage. Food Additives and Contaminants, 15 (4), 441-450. Doi. 10.1080/026520398093726

[viii] Clegg, B.S., Scott, K.G., & Cote, L.M. (2000) Influence of pH, temperature, and iron concentration on the formation of alkyl glycosides in a model beverage system. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 

 48(4), 1134-1141. doi: 10.1021/jf990765i 

[ix][ix] K Kitano, T Fukukawa, Y Ohtsuji, T Masuda, H Yamaguchi,Mutagenicity and DNA-damaging activity caused by decomposed products of potassium sorbate reacting with ascorbic acid in the presence of Fe salt, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 40 (11) 2002, Pages 1589-1594, ISSN 0278-6915


Take your HydroPHOBIC Supplement out of the Water!

How can you be assured that your Glutathione formulation is bioavailable? 


Glutathione is a tripeptide composed of glutamine, cysteine and glycine. It is the super antioxidant produced in the liver and glutathione primarily reduces oxidative stress within the cells and body. 


Due to glutathione’s essential role in upregulating our immune systems, supporting nutrient absorption, a healthy metabolism and quenching free radicals throughout the body—it has become a leading anti-aging and energy regenerating supplement. Glutathione shields cells from endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external) oxidative species, reducing oxidation and cellular damage—whether it is caused by pollution, sun damage, PCBs, stress and toxic chemicals. 


It is an incredibly protective compound. Powder, liposomal and water blended glutathione supplements are now readily available to consumers. But which form is the best form of glutathione? And which forms are bioavailable?


Firstly, glutathione (GSH) must be in the reduced (active) form to offer antioxidant benefits.  Furthermore, glutathione is not readily bioavailable as an isolated supplement compound, therefore it must be delivered either through an IV or as an orally consumed liposomal supplement. As a hydrophobic tripeptide, glutathione is not stable in water—and in fact degrades in water. Thus, any ‘liposomal’ glutathione supplement that contains water contains deactivated—degraded and defunct—glutathione which will not increase cellular glutathione levels—and therefore serve no health benefit. 


“Glutathione (GSH) suffers from low stability in water, where its encapsulation in nanoemulsions is a powerful strategy to its stability in aqueous systems.”[1]


The most effective way to deliver the therapeutic benefits of hydrophobic compounds—such as glutathione—is to encapsulate them within liposomes, micelles and nanoemulsions as these stabilise the compound and protect the glutathione from being destroyed in the stomach. This increases their bioavailability and helps guide their transportation to the target cells within the body. 


Beware of supplement companies manufacturing and selling water-based glutathione—even if the label says liposomal. If water is present in the supplement label, remember that glutathione is hydroPHOBIC and will be destroyed in water!


Speak to us to ensure that your supplements are bioavailable. 



[1] Yeşiltepe O, Güler Çelik E, Geyik C, Gümüş ZP, Odaci Demirkol D, Coşkunol H, Timur S. Preparation of glutathione loaded nanoemulsions and testing of hepatoprotective activity on THLE-2 cells. Turk J Chem. 2021 Apr 28;45(2):436-451. doi: 10.3906/kim-2007-54. PMID: 34104055; PMCID: PMC8164205.,its%20stability%20in%20aqueous%20systems.


There’s Something Fishy in your Supplements: Beware of Oxidized Omega 3

In the United States, Marine Omega 3 fish oils are one of the most popular health supplements. Yet, due to the prevalence of oxidized Omega 3 in rancid fish oils, how can you be sure that they are enhancing—instead of harming—your health?

 Marine Omega 3 DHA and EPA oils derived from fish, krill, shellfish and algae are renowned for their myriad of health benefits.

They have been clinically proven to enhance cardiovascular health, offer protection from neurodegenerative disease, support metabolic health and reduce overall chronic inflammation.

However, marine oil from fish, krill and shellfish are highly susceptible to oxidation—this means that they can ‘oxidize’, spoil and go rancid easily.[i] As fish oil oxidizes, new byproducts begin to form in the oil called lipid peroxides, as well as harmful aldehydes.[ii] These oxidation byproducts are what give off the unpleasant smell and taste of rancid fish.

oxidized omega 3 fish oils

Have you ever experienced ‘fishy’ burbs or an upset tummy after consuming a cod liver oil capsule? If so, you know that you have eaten rancid, oxidized fish oil.

There are few regulations on acceptable levels of oxidation in fish oils—which means that you could be unwittingly consuming rancid Omega 3 DHA from your fish oil supplement on a daily basis.

Consequences of Oxidation

Free radicals, toxic aldehydes and reactive oxygen species are all byproducts from lipid peroxidation (oxidized fats) that work in unison to wreak inflammatory havoc on our metabolic, neurological and cardiovascular health.

Regularly consuming oxidized Omega 3 oils can have a deleterious effect on your health.[iii] Chronic lipid oxidation is known to be a mechanism for carcinogenesis—the mutation of healthy cells into unhealthy cancerous cells.[iv] One of the byproducts of lipid oxidation is 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE) and it is strongly correlated with neurotoxicity, leading to neurodegeneration and cognitive decline. [v]  The oxidative stress caused by ingesting oxidized oils over long periods of time can activate the NF-kB pathway—our inflammatory pathway—resulting in increased proinflammatory cytokines, causing inflammation throughout our body and brain.[vi] Furthermore, the aldehyde byproduct of oxidized fish oil possesses ‘mutagenic, cytotoxic, and inflammatory properties that may contribute to many different disease processes, including CVD’.[vii]

One study on humans found that oxidized fish oils caused organ damage and atherosclerosis[viii] and cardiovascular disease; catalyzed carcinogenic gene mutations[ix] and lead to Alzheimer’s disease.[x] A pretty poor prognosis for a high price tag ‘health supplement’!

Impact on Metabolic Health and the Liver

Unoxidized Omega 3s have shown to be incredibly protective for metabolic, cardiovascular and neurological functions—in both maintaining health and healing disease.[xi] Curiously, oxidized forms of Omega 3s have the opposite effect[xii], especially in the liver. Studies have shown that oxidized fish oils can exacerbate non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in mice, while non-oxidized omega 3 oils can reverse it.[xiii]

The liver is responsible for breaking down food and converting nutrients into energy while processing toxins—which means it is the organ at the forefront of dealing with oxidized oils. The reactive oxygen species (ROS)[xiv]  and free radicals from oxidized fish oils and other oxidized polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) harm the liver and arteries first. Compromising the health of the liver, simultaneously compromises the health of our metabolism. When we cannot efficiently convert food into energy, metabolic diseases ensue, as the brain and heart struggle for fuel to function and the body begins to break down.

The Not So Fishy Solution

If oxidized fish oils are causing inflammation, metabolic disease and neurodegeneration, how can you ensure that you consume a healthy, non-oxidized source of essential Omega 3 DHA and EPA?

There is a solution to obtaining your Omega 3 DHA without the risk of consuming rancid fish oil and it’s even more sustainable than marine sourced Omega 3 DHA. Algae derived Omega 3 DHA does not oxidize, delivers bioavailable (absorbable) DHA and EPA to humans, and because it is sourced from Algae, it is vegan too.

If you want to be certain that you are only consuming non-oxidized marine 0mega 3 oils—so that you can reap the health benefits—then eat fresh fish and supplement with Algae derived Omega 3 DHA and stay away from the fishy capsules!

Contact us today to formulate your own non-oxidized algae derived Omega 3 DHA & EPA supplements. 

oxidized omega 3 healthy alternative

[i] Albert BB, Cameron-Smith D, Hofman PL, Cutfield WS. Oxidation of marine omega-3 supplements and human health. Biomed Res Int. 2013;2013:464921. doi: 10.1155/2013/464921. Epub 2013 Apr 30. PMID: 23738326; PMCID: PMC3657456.

[ii] Jansson P, Kay B. Aldehydes identified in commercially available ω-3 supplements via 1 H NMR spectroscopy. Nutrition. 2019 Apr;60:74-79. doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2018.10.004. Epub 2018 Oct 11. PMID: 30529885.

[iii] Matsuo N. Studies on the toxicity of fish oil. The Journal of Biochemistry. 1954;41:481–487

[iv] Bartsch H, Nair J. Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress in the genesis and perpetuation of cancer: role of lipid peroxidation, DNA damage, and repair. Langenbeck’s Archives of Surgery. 2006;391(5):499–510.

[v] Sayre LM, Zelasko DA, Harris PLR, Perry G, Salomon RG, Smith MA. 4-hydroxynonenal-derived advanced lipid peroxidation end products are increased in Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Neurochemistry. 1997;68(5):2092–2097

[vi]  van den Berg R, Haenen GRMM, van den Berg H, Bast A. Transcription factor NF-κB as a potential biomarker for oxidative stress. British Journal of Nutrition. 2001;86(1):S121–S127

[vii] Jansson P, Kay B. Aldehydes identified in commercially available ω-3 supplements via 1 H NMR spectroscopy. Nutrition. 2019 Apr;60:74-79. doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2018.10.004. Epub 2018 Oct 11. PMID: 30529885.

[viii] Libby P, Ridker PM, Maseri A. Inflammation and atherosclerosis. Circulation. 2002;105(9):1135–1143.

[ix] Bartsch H, Nair J. Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress in the genesis and perpetuation of cancer: role of lipid peroxidation, DNA damage, and repair. Langenbeck’s Archives of Surgery. 2006;391(5):499–510.

[x] Sayre LM, Zelasko DA, Harris PLR, Perry G, Salomon RG, Smith MA. 4-hydroxynonenal-derived advanced lipid peroxidation end products are increased in Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Neurochemistry. 1997;68(5):2092–2097

[xi] Yang, J.; Fernández-Galilea, M.; Martínez-Fernández, L.; González-Muniesa, P.; Pérez-Chávez, A.; Martínez, J.A.; Moreno-Aliaga, M.J. Oxidative Stress and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation. Nutrients 201911, 872.

[xii] Rundblad, A., Holven, K., Ottestad, I., Myhrstad, M., & Ulven, S. (2017). High-quality fish oil has a more favourable effect than oxidised fish oil on intermediate-density lipoprotein and LDL subclasses: A randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Nutrition, 117(9), 1291-1298. doi:10.1017/S0007114517001167

[xiii] Feng, R., Ma, LJ., Wang, M. et al. Oxidation of fish oil exacerbates alcoholic liver disease by enhancing intestinal dysbiosis in mice. Commun Biol 3, 481 (2020).

[xiv] Ayala A, Muñoz MF, Argüelles S. Lipid peroxidation: production, metabolism, and signaling mechanisms of malondialdehyde and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2014;2014:360438. doi: 10.1155/2014/360438. Epub 2014 May 8. PMID: 24999379; PMCID: PMC4066722.

VIRUN Rock Supply Side West in Carnival Style

We had a blast exhibiting at the Supply Side West show in Las Vegas this year. Nothing thrills us more than surprising you with an innovative, courageous and fast paced booth, the essence of which reflects our approach to supplement manufacturing…and to life! Why be boring when you can have fun and be authentic while growing your business? 

This year, we created a carnival themed booth and entertained visitors and clients with our very own Austin Powers  act. Did you come say hi? Let us know in the comments section below. 👇  

The Super Solution: Algae Omega DHA with MCT Oil

There are some incredible synergies to combining Algae Omega DHA and MCT in order to deal with what we see as a global inflammatory health crisis.

We are faced with unprecedented levels of chronic illness, obesity, diabetes, neuro degeneration and cardiovascular disease worldwide.


Over the past century global health has declined as chronic diseases have increased, particularly in the western world. Coincidentally—or correlatively—during this period the western diet has shifted its appetite from traditional saturated fats and Omega 3 fatty acids towards processed foods rich in oxidised Omega 6 fatty acids and processed carbohydrates.


Unbalanced & Highly Inflammatory Omega 3 to Omega 6 Ratios

In this blog post, we explore how essential DHA and EPA Omega 3s and saturated fats are for optimising human health. We discuss the beneficial synergies of Algae derived Omega 3 DHA combined with the saturated fat MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides) as a solution to reverse the current global health trajectory. The super anti-inflammatory pairing of Omega DHA with MCTs allow people to experience the health benefits of a high fat, low carbohydrate diet while addressing the Omega 3 deficiency that is compromising human health, in particular the lack of DHA and EPA Omega 3 fatty acids in our diets today.


Educated consumers are increasingly taking health into their own hands and exploring new diets as an antidote to the prevalence of chronic inflammation, including the ketogenic and vegan diets.

At VIRUN® we propose that inclusion of an Algae derived Omega DHA and MCT supplement would lead to an overarching reduction in chronic inflammation related diseases worldwide. As exemplified in our liposomal Omega DHA and MCT O3Omega Smoothies formulations.

Processed Foods = Inflammation

As our food supply becomes more globalised, industrialised, and processed, it becomes equally oxidised, inflammatory, and nutrient deficient. Foods that have a long shelf life and are calorically dense have taken precedence over fresh, nutritious foods. Consequently the “diseases of civilisation” have become the norm, rather than the exception.

We now consume up to 20 times more inflammatory Omega 6s from processed foods, as well as significantly more PCBs, pollutants, and heavy metals from our seafood than our twentieth century counterparts.


The very fabric of our nutritional intake has transformed, and we are suffering en masse because of this. We are consuming too many inflammatory fats and not enough anti-inflammatory Omega 3s, and nourishing saturated fats. Without sufficient healthy saturated fats and Omega 3s human health is and will continue to decline.

From Healthy Fats to Oxidised Fats: Changes in the American Diet since the 1900s.

It is notable that many of the contemporary chronic diseases that Americans suffer from actually stem from changes in diet and lifestyle.


The three key shifts in the American Diet include:

  1. The increased consumption of inflammatory, oxidised seed oils from processed foods.
  2. The declining consumption of the Omega 3s DHA and EPA from Seafood and Algae.
  3. The excessive consumption of processed sugars and carbohydrates.

“Seed Oils are nothing but Biological Poisons”– Dr Chris Knobbe

Dr Chris Knobbe, Ophthalmologist and co-author of the Ancestral Health Revolution, has documented the relationship between seed oil consumption and hear disease deaths in the USA. Knobbe’s chart below shows a direct correlation between the increase of seed oil consumption (from processed foods) with an increase in deaths from heart disease. In 1900 consumption of seed oils was extremely low, as was processed sugar consumption. Indeed, deaths from heart disease were equally low. Note that saturated fat consumption has no visible correlation with heart disease.

(Consumption in grams per capita per day.)


Knobbe C, Stojanoska M. The ‘Displacing Foods od Modern Commerce Are the Primary and Proximate Cause of Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A Unifynig Singular Hypothesis. Medical Hypotheses: 2017; 109:184-198.

The human brain is constituted of up to 65% fat and out of this, 50% is Omega 3 DHA

As we over-consume inflammatory processed Omega 6 fats and sugars, we under-consume Omega 3 DHA and EPA, predisposing us to chronic illness. The brain suffers without DHA and EPA. Omega 3s offer tremendous protection from cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, autoimmune issues, depression, as well as neuro degeneration, such as Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Omega 3 has an anti-aging component, increases lifespan and reduces overall mortality.

DHA plays a pivotal role in the function of synaptic connections in the brain and Omega 3 contains the building blocks for our cell membranes. In fact, without having evolved on a coastal diet of seafood that is rich in DHA, it is likely our IQs would be significantly lower.

“IQs have dropped 9 points since the 1950s due to an Omega 3 deficiency in our diets” – Dr Michael Crawford


Fears around PCBs and mercury toxicity have caused a drop in our overall seafood and DHA consumption.

Popular fish oil capsules and seafood are potential options for alleviating the Omega 3 DHA and EPA deficiencies. However, fish oil is highly susceptible to oxidation, as well as containing contaminants, parasites, PCBs, heavy metals, and pollutants which cause their own host of health issues.

Why Algae derived Omega 3 DHA?

Algae is the only efficacious plant source of DHA and EPA in the world. [7]

Omega 3s also include ALA and can be found in flax, seeds and nuts, however ALA has a very low conversion rates (1 to 10%) to the anti-inflammatory and brain nourishing DHA. Therefore, flax, seeds and nuts are not an effective source of DHA Omega 3s.

We need more Omega DHA and EPA in our diets but without the PCBs, pollutants, oxidants and heavy metal toxicity. Algae DHA presents the perfect, bioavailable and sustainable solution to increasing our Omega 3 levels.

Algae derived DHA and EPA is significantly less susceptible to oxidation and more sustainably sourced. 

The Super Pair Solution: Saturated Fat MCT + Algae Omega 3 DHA

= Reversing the Inflammatory Trajectory

At VIRUN® we suggest the ultimate solution to obtaining essential healthy fats would be through a vegan, un-oxidised Algae derived DHA Omega 3 combined with MCTs from coconuts.

This combination delivers clean burning MCT energy that reduces inflammation, powers the body and brain, while increasing the bioavailability and absorption of Omega 3 DHA, rebalancing the Omega 3-6 ratio that is correlated with so many chronic diseases.

High Fat Wisdom from Our Ancestors

A high healthy fat and low carbohydrate diet, such as the ketogenic diet offers a myriad of benefits. It allows bodies to utilize fat for fuel, promoting a ketone burning metabolism and weight loss.  At a baseline, simply by limiting your intake of processed sugars and processed seed oils, you significantly reduce your inflammatory levels and toxins within the body and brain.

‘Good brain function depends on saturated fats’ – Dr Mark Hyman

Primarily, ketones benefit our brains, feed our mitochondria (cellular energy), enhance cell health, and delay cellular degeneration and the resulting symptoms of aging. Further benefits of the ketogenic diet and ketones—which are produced when we consume MCTs include: a stabilisation of blood sugar levels, reduced inflammation, improved neurological function and physical performance.  Ketones consolidate the anti-inflammatory benefits of Omega 3s while reversing the inflammatory damage of processed sugars.

However, a ketogenic diet requires discipline and due to the counterintuitive nature of our food consumption, it can be a difficult diet adhere to. MCTs are quickly converted into ketones in the liver, allowing you to experience the benefits of ketogenic diet by producing more ketones yet without being on strict ketogenic diet. Because of this, MCTs have been an increasingly popular addition to the ketogenic and health optimisation movement.

Why MCTs from Coconuts?

MCTs are not as susceptible to oxidation as PUFAs which means that it produces fewer cancer-causing free radicals. MCT is proven to increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation while preserving lean muscle tissue.

MCTs play an important role in powering, growing, and protecting the brain—as do the Omega 3s DHA and EPA. It is curious to note that the lack of Omega 3s and MCTs in our modern diet have had negative consequences on our inflammation levels and that is exactly why we believe these two missing ingredients can perform as the anti-inflammatory super pair.

Synergistic Benefits

It is quite remarkable how Omega 3 and MCT can really transform our health. We can see that MCT and Omega 3 support similar health pathways in reducing overall inflammation, supplying essential nutrients to the brain and in enhancing lifespan and longevity by combating and preventing chronic disease.

MCTs and Omega 3s work synergistically in alleviating modern day inflammation and illness while simulating the benefits of an Omega 3 rich ketogenic diet.

Sustainably Vegan

Algae sourced Omega 3 DHA is sustainable, vegan and has a low carbon footprint in comparison with eating fish and fish oil capsules. Combined with MCT, they deliver a vegan, non-oxidised and sustainable solution for global health decline.

The Solution to Reducing Inflammation and Restoring Health

What is needed is a bioavailable DHA MCT supplement that reduces inflammation while delivering healthy fats. VIRUN are currently formulating the O3Omega Smoothies Algae DHA MCT supplement range to address and negate this current inflammatory health crisis.

Furthermore, our O3Omega Smoothies liposomal supplements contain Algae DHA combined with MCT from coconuts to deliver health benefits while tasting delicious. Rebalancing Omega 3-6 ratios, reducing inflammation, and feeding your brain becomes enjoyable and effortless.

Contact us to find out more about anti-inflammatory and synergistic supplement formulations and find out more about creating your own supplement line with us.


[1] Ansah JP, Chiu CT. Projecting the chronic disease burden among the adult population in the United States using a multi-state population model. Front Public Health. 2023 Jan 13;10:1082183. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1082183. PMID: 36711415; PMCID: PMC9881650.

[2] Simopoulos AP. An Increase in the Omega-6/Omega-3 Fatty Acid Ratio Increases the Risk for Obesity. Nutrients. 2016 Mar 2;8(3):128. doi: 10.3390/nu8030128. PMID: 26950145; PMCID: PMC4808858.

[3] Borsini, A., Nicolaou, A., Camacho-Muñoz, D. et al. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids protect against inflammation through production of LOX and CYP450 lipid mediators: relevance for major depression and for human hippocampal neurogenesis. Mol Psychiatry26, 67736788 (2021).

[4]Ancestral Diet Revolution: How Vegetables Oils and Processed Foods Destroy Our Health—and How to Recover!  Dr Chris Knobbe & Dr Suzanne Alexander, 2023 p.86

[5] Blasbalg TL, Hibbeln JR, Ramsden CE, Majchrzak SF, Rawlings RR. Changes in consumption of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the United States during the 20th century. Am J Clin Nutr. 2011 May;93(5):950-62. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.110.006643. Epub 2011 Mar 2. PMID: 21367944; PMCID: PMC3076650.

[6] Crawford MA, Wang Y, Marsh DE, Johnson MR, Ogundipe E, Ibrahim A, Rajkumar H, Kowsalya S, Kothapalli KSD, Brenna JT. Neurodevelopment, nutrition and genetics. A contemporary retrospective on neurocognitive health on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, India. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2022 May;180:102427. doi: 10.1016/j.plefa.2022.102427. Epub 2022 Apr 6. PMID: 35413515; PMCID: PMC9152880.

[7] Doughman SD, Krupanidhi S, Sanjeevi CB. Omega-3 fatty acids for nutrition and medicine: considering microalgae oil as a vegetarian source of EPA and DHA. Curr Diabetes Rev. 2007 Aug;3(3):198-203. doi: 10.2174/157339907781368968. PMID: 18220672.

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VIRUN and East West Bank partner-up to save lives

VIRUN and East West Bank partner-up to save lives

Though the funding for SBA loans ran out last week, VIRUN Nutra-biosciences was able to get fully funded with the help of East West Bank. VIRUN manufactures food products and dietary supplements and are considered part of the essential workforce. Virun is a contract manufacturer for private label companies who are supplying physicians and hospitals, in need of OTC products, for patients fighting and recovering from Covid-19. Virun makes immune boosting products such as liposomal Vitamin C and patented, clinically proven Glutathione Tripeptides bound to Lactoferrin that have shown success in trials toward innate immunity.12

Last week, a VIRUN customer received an email from Sarah (name changed to protect privacy) who had developed COVID-19 in March. She was having “really bad shortness of breath and body aches.” Sarah started taking regular doses of the Virun-manufactured liposomal vitamin C, and she said it improved her symptoms. Sarah continued “It was literally the best I have felt since my symptoms in mid-March. Last night was the first night I did not struggle too hard with my breathing, still a bit of difficulty but so much better.”

East West Bank helped VIRUN secure funding from the recent SBA Paycheck Protection Program to protect employee payroll during the Covid-19 pandemic. This much needed assistance will allow Virun to continue to pay existing employees, hire more personnel, and scale up operations to speed up production of essential supplies that are being sent to hospitals, health care practitioners, grocery and health food stores all over the world. CEO Philip Bromley says he is thankful to have been funded because he knows there were many businesses who did not receive funding from other banking institutions, “We were funded within 18 hours of being approved by This allowed us to continue to pay our current employees and hire more workers, while freeing up capital to purchase a much-needed pouch filler to add to the production line.” Virun has begun operating 7 days a week, to safely stagger smaller crews to abide by the State of California’s social-distancing guidelines, and to meet demand for products using the company’s patented delivery system technology.

About Virun NutraBIOsciences:
Founded in 2003, Virun NutraBIOsciences was formed to create nutritious, great tasting and novel formulations for the food, beverage, supplements and pharmaceutical industries. Located in Pomona, California, Virun is a fully integrated research, production and manufacturing facility, which quickly conceptualizes ideas to create innovative custom bulk blends and finished products for contract manufacturing. Virun is the only biotechnology company that owns over 80 patents worldwide and develops technology around biochemistry practices. Its technologies include Esolv, a clean-label claim emulsifier; OmegaH20, which incorporates Omega-3 EPA DHA into clear, shelf-stable, clean label claim beverages without a fishy taste; Probiferrin, a technology that increases the bioavailability and shelf-life of probiotics in powders and beverages, and other innovative solutions and brands, including its own line of algal Omega DHA MCT smoothies. Manufacturers interested in learning more can contact Virun at


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